National Institute of Education (NIE)

BA in Education,

Diploma in Education

Changkat Primary,

Damai Primary

Full time private tutor

Primary Level Chinese/Higher Chinese Tuition


Greetings to all, this is Liu Ning; I am a passionate educator who strongly subscribes to the belief no student should be left behind to his own devices regardless of academic ability. Prior to embarking on a full time teaching career, I have already accumulated more than a decade of private tutoring experience.I am extremely interested in helping students from English-speaking families, as well as developing novel teaching methods. Naturally, I derive immense satisfaction from working and interacting with young children.Case in point: I was instrumental in creating a set of learning materials to prepare P6 Damai Primary students for their Chinese oral examinations in 2012; this in part contributed to the cohort's stellar performance at the PSLE that year (for which I was accorded recognition by the school principal for my efforts).

In addition, I was in charge of designing the school's Chinese reading programme, and during this while I succeeded in consolidating a 'library' of literature which could be systematically employed as teaching references in future classroom lessons. During my period of studies at NIE in 2013 (I have since graduated with a BA in education), I published the first two volumes of comics aimed at enhancing one's vocabulary in Chinese composition writing; volumes 3 and 4 (published in April 2015) will place greater emphasis on equipping students from English-speaking background with the necessary language skill-sets.

I sincerely hope to share my experiences as an educator here, and look forward to benefiting from the wisdom of other fellow teachers.

本人刘宁,热爱教育事业,一直认为“有教无类”,在校期间积极推广差异教学法,对于英文家庭背景的孩子从来有自己独特的教法,喜欢创新。喜欢与学生相处。在从事教育事业以前,已经有10余年家庭补习经验。在校期间,曾编写小六口试教材一套,让小六毕业班学生在2012年PSLE会考中大放光彩,得到Damai Primary 校长与主任的肯定。也负责设计校本阅读课程,让学生从中受益。并将学校的儿童书籍整理为一套可以用于课堂教学的大众教材。毕业于南洋理工大学国立教育学院,在2013年出版《漫画作文词语》1,2册,2015年4月出版3,4册,旨在帮助英文家庭背景的孩子学习华文。愿意分享经验,并吸收其他老师的丰富教学经验。

• 作文提高成绩有方法

• 作文结尾可用的俗语及其范例

• 小学生作文常犯错误分析(上集)

• 小学生作文常犯错误分析(下集)