What options do I have if my 'A' Level exam results are bad? (Response A)
This query comes from a student:
What options do I have if my 'A' Level exam results are bad? Just trying to plan ahead. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
The Response:
In my opinion, these are your options:
- Enter a private university like SIM: you could do a part-time course and work a full-time job at the same time. That way, you gain both working experience and a degree at the same time.
- Retake 'A' Levels: you could engage private tutors if you have the funds, or take preparatory courses at MDIS. However, you have to be very disciplined at this, otherwise you could end up wasting a year if your grades do not improve. Unfortunately I do know of 1 person who had wasted 2 additional years retaking the 'A' Levels as he didn’t do well enough both times. Of course, if you are disciplined enough and do well enough to enter the university course of your choice, that would be the ideal outcome.
-Consider overseas universities that are less selective than the local ones, if you have the funds to do so. You can consider Australian universities as they are well-regarded and could be less selective.
-Enter polytechnic, do well enough there to enter the university course of your choice. I have a friend who did this and although this is a very long route, he managed to graduate with a business degree from NUS and is doing reasonably well now, on his way to starting his own company.
Hope the above advice helps.
Eric Chng
(Senior Councilor: May 2013 - December 2020)
Answered On 25 February 2016
- Mrs Grace Ong
- Mr William Lin Xijie
- Mr Joel Liu
- Mdm Rajeshwari Rai
- Mr Desmond Tan
- Mr Donnell Koh
- Mr Prakash Philip
- Mr Heng ✻
- Mr Julian Tan †
- Mr Chew
- Mr Dion Khoo
- Mr Max Lye
- Dr Aw Junxin
- Mr Ingel Soong
- Miss Ong Li Hui
- Miss Serene Ow
- Miss Foo Ee June
- Mr Edwin Cheng
- Mr Kevin Seah
- Dr Michael Fong
- Mr Koh Kian Leon
- Mr Jim Cheong
- Mr Daniel Ong
- Mr Irwin See ✻
- Mr Kelvin Yap
- Mdm Shiao Lea Yap
- Dr Choo Yan Min
- Mr Liau Chuan Yi
English /
General Paper/
Creative Writing
- Mr Duncan Ang ✻
- Dr Michael Fong
- Miss Rachel Mohd
- Mr Alex Tsui
- Ms Yap
- Mr Karman Chua
- Miss Serene Ow
- Miss Foo Ee June
- Mr Kevin Seah
- Mr Kelvin Yap
Literature/ Humanities / Social Studies
- Mr Tan Jun Wei
- Mr Andrew Tan
- Mr Eric Chng
- Miss Jolyn Ang
- Mr Goh Joo Heng
- Mr Andrew Yap
- Mr Jim Cheong
- Ms Debbie Teo ✻
- Mr Li Minghui Samuel
- Miss Cai Liling Clarice
- Mr Ang Wei Cang
- Mr Jerry Guo Jiayu
- Mr Raymond Ng
- Mr Alvin Au Meng Jun
- Dr Choo Yan Min
- Mr Ingel Soong
- Miss Tan Su Ping
- Mr Philip Toh
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