Some thoughts on the NUS orientation camp saga

So, some NUS students are still in a defiant mood.

But some of their responses are really quite facepalm.

Eh hello. NUS receives public funding right? NUS students take up the MOE tuition fee grant, which subsidies their education right? Money come from where? Taxpayers lah of course.

Not happy go private university lor.

Well, the same principles apply doesn’t it? If you really feel so strongly and think that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the nature of some orientation activity, come out and openly defend them! And seriously, poking fun at the autistic. Real mature.

And where are the student leaders?

Radio silence.

Where are the NUS Student Union leaders, student committee members of the various faculties, and the organisers of orientation camps? Come out, apologise and explain what you will do, or defend your position. While you might not be directly responsible, you can’t ignore the fact that these things happened under your watch. You can’t simply ignore them and pretend that nothing happened.

Elected student leaders in our top local university got no pride ah? Got trouble all hide?

But hey, I know that most of you are elected by the 30 odd cronies (out of the entire student population) who bothered to turn up to vote.

And I know many of you are holding these positions just to make your resumes look nice in hope of landing a cushy corporate job after graduation. Student leaders who want to enjoy all the benefits and none of the responsibilities of holding office. Win liao lor.

Yup, shining examples of good leadership. Shanmugan is right. The rot indeed starts at the top. He forgot to mention that they start also young.

Very, very disappointing indeed.

This article first appeared on Thoughts of Real Singaporeans on 28 July 2016. It is reproduced with permission.


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