Potential teaching candidate deflated by response during interview

By Wunderfool

This is a story of a guy who attended an interview by a panel for a teaching position ages ago. He was asked by the lead interviewer who appeared to be a seasoned school principal: "Why do you want to teach?". He replied enthusiastically: "I would like to share with students my personal experiences as well as what I learnt from my working life. I would also like to impart some life skills to today's students so that they can be better prepared for work or their careers when they graduate."

The lead interviewer looked at the guy with disdain and told him straight in the face: "You are just here to teach, that's it." The poor chap was stunned... and obviously very disappointed with the response. He didn't take up the job offer after being eventually informed of his successful application.

A year later, the Ministry of Education announced that changes will be forthcoming in the education system. Pupils shall be taught life-skills and get involved in project work, on top of merely pursuing academic excellence ...


Wasted an entire month applying to be a teacher with the MOE

7 reasons why so many teachers are leaving MOE

I left MOE not because of money.