My son suffered a severe reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine

By Dave Allen

Dear Heath Minister Mr Ong Ye Kung,

I wish to bring to your attention exactly what a severe reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine looks like courtesy of my 7-year-old son. The photo taken only shows his back, however the rash has affected his entire body including the eyes, ears and mouth. Since then, the Ministry of Health (MOH) never once stepped in to assist; neither is there an existing official channel through which this unnerving incident could be reported. Our countless visits to hospitals seeking specialists for treatment have already set us back by more than $1.5K. After being given another week of medical leave, my son looks set to miss school for at least another 2 weeks.

We therefore ask: where was the medical support post vaccination as promised by the government when we needed it so badly ? The specialist put forth the option of admitting my son into hospital so he could be monitored and cared for, but we decided not to do so (on account others may need bed much more urgently) and nurse him at home. Consequently we are not entitled to any compensation under the VIFAP scheme.

I look forward to receiving your response sometime soon.


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