My school teacher is posting and openly mocking students' works on social media

By New-Confidence9654

I am beyond disgusted right now because a school teacher of mine has taken to posting students' submitted assignments on his Instagram Stories and openly disparaging them. Downright unprofessional aside, such behaviour nevertheless constitutes a blatant disregard for our privacy despite names being blurred out. Teachers should be the ones encouraging/guiding us, not tearing us down for their own glee. Instead of feeling safe and supported, we are now always anxious about getting publicly humiliated online; it goes without saying our mental health have thus been adversely impacted.

While constructive criticism doled out in the classroom can help us improve, what's happening here ain't nothing like that - if anything it's just sheer meanness, even bordering on cyber bullying. I honestly don’t know what to do. I fear reporting him might make matters worse, yet obviously this can't continue. Hopefully someone in a position of authority gets wind soon enough and steps in to put an absolute end to his nonsense.


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