Revision to Computing 'O'Level syllabus in 2025: Addition of POFMA

By Mellonbun

Specimen Paper Question For 'O' Level Computing (2025)

Section 5.3 of Syllabus, 'O' Level Computing (2025)

My colleague was conducting some research into the current Singapore education curriculum and chanced upon the Computing specimen paper provided by the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) which, interestingly included a question about the POFMA regime. We therefore dug a little deeper and discovered the 'O' Level syllabus for Computing will be undergoing an update in 2025.

If anything, it is inexplicable, even bordering on hilarity that, of all subjects, a question like this actually popped up in Computing, rather than, say, Social Studies. After all, SS textbooks are well known for parroting mostly positive narratives regarding government policies; the more cynical ones amongst us would venture as far as opining it's PAP's covert method of mass indoctrination from young.

To be fair, the expanded syllabus also encompasses the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and Copyright Act. However, I can't help but note that even the framing of this particular specimen paper question seemed a bit loaded, possibly even redundant . Why specifically "Identify two penalties that can be imposed using POFMA in tackling fake news." rather than just "Identify two penalties that can be imposed using POFMA."?

Some food for thought. Peace out.


The complex question that is POFMA

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