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The Independent

► Parents in Asia region rank Singapore as A+ choice for international education, especially parents from China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India

► NUS, NTU launch nationwide initiative to boost Singapore start-ups

► More and more parents abroad are preferring to send their children to study in Singapore

► TikTok degree program: Could this be the next “big thing” in the education frontier for Singaporean youth?

► Singaporean student says it costs her S$20.59 to drive a car to school, so her “moral of the story is don’t go to school, just stay at home”

► Poly student who spends $20-30 on food daily says, “Singapore’s cost of living is so depressing these days”

► “I have so much respect for everyone here in SG schools” — 2 foreign students share their “culture shock” by S’pore’s “living hell” education system

► Singaporean asks if the “internship race” is even worth it as “most internship stipends now hover around S$1,000”

► S’porean man graduates at 31, asks online if he should pursue an internship at his age

► Nanyang Technological University’s Gaia wins top UNESCO prize for architecture and design

► Fresh graduate asks, “Is working for fulfilment worth it over stability and vice versa?”

► SMU launches S$60 million impact fund to support underprivileged students

► NTU launches NBS Global Leaders programme to shape next generation of business leaders

► Breaking away from the FAANG dream and choosing growth over glory in the tech industry

Kiasu Parents

► Understanding and Addressing Bullying: A Guide for Parents

► Messaging Your Child’s Teachers in Primary and Secondary School: Dos and Don’ts

► Should You Monitor Your Teen’s Grades in Secondary School?

► My Child is Failing His Mother Tongue Language (MTL). What Can We Do?

► PSLE Results Day 2024: How to Deal with Disappointment

► Help a Shy Child to Thrive in Primary School

► P1 Preparation: How to Build Reading Skills?

► Essential Study Skills for Secondary School

► My Teen Has Received Their IB or A-Level Results. What’s Next?

► The First Weeks of Secondary School: How To Support Your Teen

Goody Feed

► Xiaohongshu Post Lists S’pore’s School Uniform As Top 10 in Asia, But There’s Something Very Wrong

► Why S’pore Students Are Suddenly Leaving Hate Comments on This US YouTuber’s Video

► 11-Year-Old Boy in Yishun Suffers Concussion After School Bullying Incident

► 15-Year-Old Student from SJI International Dies After Being Hit by a Boat in the Maldive

► Everything About The Deepfake Nude Photo Scandal in S’pore Sports School

► NUS Student Deflated Tyres of 5 Cars in Woodlands in Protest of Climate Change

► Everything About the FirstCom Academy Three-Month Suspension You Should Know

Digital Senior

► What Chess can Teach You About Life

► How is BookTok Shaping the Reading Habits of Youths and Adults in Singapore?

► Improving in Chinese: My Personal Journey


► Classes on AI to be offered to all primary & secondary school students in S'pore

► S'pore family surprises son to celebrate end of PSLE, says they'll 'love him no matter what'

► Meridian Secondary School student allegedly hit & slapped by other students at void deck, eardrum ruptured

► School bullying issue 'complex' to tackle, both victims & perpetrators need help: Chan Chun Sing

► MOE reminds tour operators not to disrupt university students on campus

► MOE expanding its HQ with new 30-storey tower at Buona Vista, construction to start in 2025

► 3 JCs to move in 2028, new campuses to have 12-storey buildings

► Boy, 11, suffers concussion after classmate allegedly kicked & punched him in Yishun school

► S'pore Sports School students caned, suspended for deepfake nudes of female schoolmates

► Boy, 12, passes PSLE after heart attack in P4 sent him to ICU & left him in wheelchair

► Child entering P1? Primary school principal shares what parents should & shouldn’t do for a smooth transition.

► Good jobs & mental health: S’pore students share about the kind of S’pore they hope to see

Rice Media

► PSLE Has Changed. Anxious Parents Are the Only Constant.

► The VP Scandal Texts Are Evidence That Singlish Is Deeply Unsexy

► Meet Joleen, the Quantum Physicist Who Gave Up a PSC Scholarship for Life in Okinawa

► The Curious Case of School Counsellor Trauma

► The Sports School Deepfake Incident Isn’t Surprising

► The Painful Truths Your Interns Are Probably Learning About Your Workplace

The Raffles Press

► Aunt Agony and Uncle Upset: To Pee or Not To Pee

► Aunt Agony and Uncle Upset: Dealing with Academic Despair

► Raffles Business Symposium 2024: Are business competitions all talk, no action?

► SWF 2024: An Exploration into Nature

► The Paradox of Achievement: What is Happiness, Really?

► The Red Pill of Happiness

► Beyond the Classroom: Tales of the Rafflesian Spirit

► The Weirdness of the Telegram Channel

► A Child's World, A Mother's Prison: The Dualities of Room by Emma Donoghue

► Please Mind the Platform Gap: An Updated Guide to Uniforms 2024

► Where the Dark Stands Still: A Teacher's Review

► exPress Mail: Writing, the Arts and Life after JC

► exPress Mail: My Two Cents' Worth of Epiphanies From JC to University

► Aunt Agony and Uncle Upset: Dealing With Your Promo Results

► Aunt Agony and Uncle Upset: How much peer pressure is too much?

► An Ode to ELL

►Decoding The Digital World: A Beginner's Guide to Programming

Another Dot In The Blogosphere

► Losing the attention war

► PLDs, moral panic, and fear mongering

► Processing without understanding

► Counter spin (part 1)

► Counter spin (part 2)

► AZ AI and I

► Xmas insights on the PSLE