Gave my all, only to be made a laughing stock by students

By desolate_edificator

Been feeling in the doldrums and discouraged lately. Not because of the workload or work culture, but rather, the students' general behaviour. Although my school isn’t top-tier, these kids still perform decently studies-wise. However their attitudes downright suck - demonstrating unabashed defiance towards teachers, turning in sloppy homework, demanding assignments be marked at the drop of a hat (should you request for additional time, they will remind you that you have been paid to do so). Some even openly associated themselves scoring well with the private tutors their parents hired, whilst decrediting my efforts altogether. There was this one boy who didn't bothered to give my painstakingly handcrafted revision notes a second glance, yet had the nerve to declare (within earshot of me) they were piss-poor quality.

Just yesterday, I informed my current charges they needed to be more self-directed on account almost everyone ain't no longer paying the slightest attention during class. Someone then blatantly threatened aloud how my performance bonus as well as career progression would end up negatively impacted if they complained en masse to the school management. Mind you, said foul-crier is an esteemed student leader. Sigh.

Contrarily, students at another school I taught years back weren't as eloquent nor academically inclined, yet they always tried their best and never dared cross certain boundaries. Perhaps it's because they hailed from less privileged backgrounds, hence the prevailing humility alongside a much greater willingness to learn. I am contemplating switching schools, then again folks say everywhere's the same nowadays.

Sacrificed so damn bloody much, what do I receive in return? Immense personal ridicule, plus my work ethic being questioned.

Regardless, thanks for allowing me to "vent" here.


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