There needs to be mutual respect between parents and teachers

By Roid Rage

As a parent, I have been feeling stressed ever since my child began primary school. I understand that the Singapore education system emphasizes parental involvement, and am fully on board. However, it seems the Education Ministry wants us to get involved without providing the requisite support.

For example, when the school term first commenced, I had absolutely no idea what books to bring for each lesson. Granted, there was a brief write-up in the school handbook, however this vastly departed from what the teachers mentioned via ClassDojo where they used their own terms + abbreviations. I therefore resorted to enquiring with each one individually, despite doing so I still ended up preparing the wrong materials for two whole weeks. Making matters worse, they had the audacity to annotate in the parent/teacher communications jotter it was my fault my kid didn't produce the required text. Excuse me, I took a photo and messaged you through ClassDojo, yet you simply replied "bring whatever's being stated, I shall inform you if that's not correct!"

Now, 1.5 months into P1, I find myself confronted by an avalanche of homework to guide, tests to study for, not forgetting papers to sign. The only plausible clue I possessed was a single-paragraph note penned within the comms book, replete with shorthands - thus warranting much personal guesswork. For instance, when I politely asked the teacher when the next spelling test will take place, she told me this information was already shared earlier in class and it’s not her obligation to repost it on ClassDojo.

I appreciate that Parents Gateway is a useful tool — it's very detailed as well as consummately organized. But it seems to only make announcements about upcoming “major” events. You are left to figure things out by yourself regarding everyday routine matters, whilst praying you could somehow adequately support your doe-eyed 6-year-old.

Point is, if the MOE really wants parents to become suitably entwined, it must ensure educators expend legitimate effort working alongside them. It shouldn’t be the case where we are mostly left hanging without meaningful instructions from teachers, but are still expected to keep pace with whatever happens in the classroom.

Rant over. Fyi, my child attends one of the very top primary schools; truth be told, I am totally not used to the sore lack of communication, especially compared to what we were accorded at preschool.


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